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Hey Vinc
My suit arrived today and it is awesome!!!
Very nice work!
Really professional and it fits very good!
Thanks again and always Blue Skies!
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freefly ARIMATE Skydive Freefly / Tunnel Hybrid Unisex Skydive Freefly Outdoor Tunnel Hybrid Printable
wingsuit Barracuda 4 Wingsuit Camera Base, Flock Unisex Wingsuit Outdoor Printable
wingsuit Barracuda PWR + Wingsuit Speed, Time Performance, Glide Unisex Wingsuit Outdoor Printable
rw Bigway Skydive Tunnel / Freefly Hybrid Unisex Skydive Outdoor Tunnel Hybrid Rw
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freefly CF Skydive Freefly Outdoor Unisex Skydive Freefly Outdoor Printable
freefly CF Short Skydive Freefly Outdoor Unisex Skydive Freefly Outdoor Short Printable
freefly CF W Skydive Freefly Outdoor Woman Skydive Freefly Outdoor Printable
freefly CF Short Woman Skydive Freefly Outdoor Woman Skydive Freefly Outdoor Printable
freefly DBC Short Skydive Freefly Short Unisex Skydive Freefly Outdoor Short Printable
freefly DBC Suit Skydive Freefly / Tunnel Hybrid Unisex Skydive Freefly Outdoor Tunnel Hybrid Printable
freefly ES Skydive Freefly Student Unisex Skydive Freefly Student Outdoor
freefly EST Skydive Freefly Student Unisex Skydive Freefly Student Outdoor
freefly EXP Skydive Freefly / Tunnel Hybrid Unisex Skydive Freefly Outdoor Tunnel Hybrid Printable
freefly Femme Skydive Freefly / Tunnel Hybrid Woman Skydive Freefly Outdoor Tunnel Hybrid Printable
freefly FF Pants Skydive Freefly Outdoor Unisex Skydive Freefly Outdoor Short Printable
freefly FF Jacket Skydive Camera Outdoor Unisex Skydive Dropzone Outdoor Printable
tracking Half-A 2 Skydive Tracking Base Unisex Tracking Outdoor Printable
wingsuit Mako Wingsuit Speed, Acro, BASE, MonoChamber Performance, Agility Unisex Wingsuit Outdoor Printable
freefly Multispeed Skydive DropZone Instructor Unisex Skydive Dropzone Instructor Outdoor Printable
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wingsuit RS Glide Wingsuit Speed, TIME, BASE Performance, GLIDE Unisex Wingsuit Outdoor Printable
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rw RW Pro Skydive Hybrid Tunnel / Freefly Unisex Skydive Outdoor Tunnel Hybrid Rw
rw RW Pro W Skydive Hybrid Tunnel / Freefly Woman Skydive Outdoor Tunnel Hybrid Rw
rw RW Suit Skydive Tunnel / Freefly Hybrid Unisex Skydive Outdoor Tunnel Hybrid Rw
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swoop Summer Swoop Skydive Swoop Short Unisex Skydive Dropzone Swoop Outdoor Short Printable
swoop Swoop Pants Skydive Swoop Short Unisex Skydive Dropzone Swoop Outdoor Short
freefly Tandem Passenger Skydive DropZone Passenger Unisex Skydive Dropzone Passenger Outdoor
tracking Tracking Suit Skydive Tracking Outdoor Unisex Tracking Outdoor Printable
tunnel Tunnel FS Skydive Freefly / Tunnel Hybrid Unisex Skydive Freefly Tunnel Hybrid Printable
tunnel Tunnel FS W Skydive Freefly / Tunnel Hybrid Woman Skydive Freefly Tunnel Hybrid Printable
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tracking Wahoo 2 Skydive Tracking Base Unisex Tracking Outdoor Printable
freefly Winter Suit Skydive Freefly Winter Unisex Skydive Freefly Outdoor Printable Winter
Intrudair student suit is only produced from the best and strongest 4 ply taslan or belga polycotton materials, with cordura reinforcements on the knees and bottom and grips on the arms and legs without asking. All of them have inside pocket, and by default high neck.
Choosing for Your dropzone the right type of the material is highly depending on the geolocation and also size of the suit. For example Small and Medium suits have nylon front, and tight spandex lower arms with tight tayloring. The bigger ones (like Large, Extra Large) are always made of shiny polycotton (Belga) or taslan front and broad lower arms fabric with loose cut.
According to measurements please consider our best material advice on the following chart.
To all our clients we provide free design work before ordering the
collection, so you can see how awesome the suits will look according to your visions. Your final decision will be helped with our suggestions and experience.
Please feel free to get in touch with our office via email office[@]intrudair.hu to get a personalised proposal and answer Your questions.
In the past we had a chance to prove our high quality craftmanship to several dropzones such as Skydive Dubai, Skydive Madrid, Skydive Voss and many more worldwide.
The factory default comes with Booties!
If you don't want Booties, check the Settings button on the Design & Order Tab.